Le 24/10/2017 à 12:59, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
On 2017-10-24 12:32, cyrille henry wrote:
hello, thanks for your support,
Regarding Gem development goal, I started the discussion in the Gem-dev mailling list.
My problem is that the Gem maintainer did never answer any mail regarding this subject.
sorry if it came over like this. i think i did answer at least one personal mail from you.
I did not get it! (can you send it again)
Despite all our good will, we will not go very far if Iohannes did not support this initiative.
i fully do support this initiative.
I'm glad to know!
thanks, Cyrille
thanks to Joe for the initial initiative, and thanks to Cyrille for the keeping it alive.
i hope to get more involved soon.
fgamsdr IOhannes
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