Yeah. Sorry for the subject mess. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll try with other devices. Btw my Presonus Quantum does works with all other midi software. I'll do further investigations. best
Il ven 6 apr 2018, 21:21 Lucas Cordiviola ha scritto:
Hi Alfonso,
On 4/6/2018 10:14 AM, alfonso santimone wrote:
Hi Lucas, just to give a little bug report. If i select some MIDI devices the next time pd does not starts unless i launch it from command line with the -nomidi flag
First: Please don't use "ASIO troubles" topic subject to inform a MIDI thing or to ask info on compiling Purr-data. The original thread has gone very off-topic so I changed the subject.
About the MIDI issue:
I cant reproduce the MIDI bug with any of my recent Pds (0.48-1 32/64 from Miller or self-compiled). I select the MIDI devices (in/out) and hit "save preferences". Pd loads them fine when I restart.
Are you sure that you don't have another running program that's using your MIDI driver?
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.