On Apr 19, 2007, at 6:30 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
It would be quite straightforward to make debian packages from the
Pd- extended build system. I helped nando from CCRMA make PlanetCCRMA packages from the Pd-extended build system, so we worked out most of the kinks.Are these seperate packages for externals/abstractions and Pd itself? The Debian packages for Pd are already very good and current thanks to Guenter's work for several years, as are the Gem packages. But what's missing is a package with more externals for those, who don't want to compile everything on their own. As this package is more likely to collect lots of bug reports in the Debian BTS (because of sheer size of the package) and thus may put quite a burden on the official Debian maintainer, this pd-externals package may be easier to maintain outside of Debian.
The idea is to make a package for each library, then a separate
package for pd-extended with would be Pd-vanilla with the patches in
packages/patches. That's how things are broken out in externals/
Makefile and in PlanetCCRMA (and a bit in the current Debian
packages). And I think it makes sense here. Then it also makes for
a clear path for people to make packages for their own Pd libs
outside of the pure-data CVS, if they so choose.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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