Hi all,
I'm just in the process of discovering/learning the PD programming language, so please forgive errors from my part..
I'm trying to build a granular synthesis instrument solely in a P_D_ patch .. The grain generator is supposed to be of the quasisynchronous grain generator type:
in short, the current system is something like: (pseudo code)
signal part envelope part
bang .. variable/random rate here (= grain density)
_ ._ _
|osc~| | metro |
: :
: initiate reading from an envelope table
: with a specified grain duration
: .
: .
: subsequent tablereads~ at the given rate.
: ...
: ...
_ _..
| * |
(for anyone interested, the env is a gaussian)
so my problem is that I can't generate (and mix) overlapping grains that way, because I can have only one 'envelope reader' instance.
Is this a limitation of the language, is my approach naïve, are there any way to do what i would like to do or should i code an external object to do the job?