I realize that no solution will solve all of the installation problems. There is a whole 'nother conversation here about students following directions...
I do post specific install links to the OSX and Windows binaries on the class webpage since the pd download page is so often too confusing for them. That strategy works just fine for me, but I can't help but think that this is an issue that would be an easy fix and would improve in some small way the accessibility of Pd.
Adding features is great but sometimes removing obstacles is good too.
On 09/30/2012 08:23 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I definitely understand your desire to save class time by having the students install before hand. I've been trying for years to find ways of making that actually happen. In my classes at NYU, 95% of the students have Mac laptops, so that makes it a lot easier. But even still, I always start out in the first class having a session on installation troubles.
So even if we move the source download to the bottom, I doubt that will solve all the installation difficulties.
I would try emailing and linking to the common platfroms in your class. So if its mostly Windows users, send them the Windows links, etc.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 7:36 AM, Antonio Roberts wrote:
... and then they got puzzled, asked someone else, downloaded the proper one and learnt something about software in the process ... isn't that part of the reason you get students to download it themselves?
No. That could be part of the learning process for some tutorials, but in my case I wanted the tutorial to start from opening the program, not downloading it. In my class of five just over five mnutes was wasted downloading and installing Pure Data for four students.
If the proposed change means that I can save five or more minutes then I fully support moving the source code download to the bottom of the page
On 30 September 2012 05:19, Simon Wise simonzwise@gmail.com wrote:
On 30/09/12 05:40, Antonio Roberts wrote:
This has also happened to me on a couple of occasions. They saw that it was for all platforms and so downloaded it, regardless of operating system
... and then they got puzzled, asked someone else, downloaded the proper one and learnt something about software in the process ... isn't that part of the reason you get students to download it themselves?
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