Hallo, Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
i made an prepend_alternative-abstraction, because i don't want to use a whole library only for one object (for a project with different pd-users i'd like to keep the number of involved libs as low as possible).
If you just build the externals from CVS using the "build" system installed there, you get the "right" prepend as a single external. No need for libraries at all then, just the standard CVS externals. Iemlib-prepend is build as iem_prepend.pd_linx(dll...) there.
In my experience: If Pd crashes, when someone is trying to use Memento/RRADical, then that someone has some old ggee prepend installed. If Memento doesn't work as expected, then he is using iemlib as a locally installed library instead of the CVS version of iemlib so that iem_prepend "overwrites" the CVS prepend.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__