I just thought of one other thing: I think it would be very useful
if Path, Startup, Audio Settings, and MIDI settings where all tabs in
one panel, instead of four separate panels.
On May 11, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Wow, what an improvement! I like it a lot. I have some comments:
- minor thing, maybe there could be less space on the sides, so the
panel would be narrower?
- about the Apply button, I think it should only show up on
platforms where it is a common thing. On Mac OS X, it should just
be OK and Cancel. On Windows, there should be Apply. I think
GNOME has moved away from Apply, but I don't know anything about KDE.
- some separation of the buttons on the right column would make
things clearer, I think. Like maybe Up/Down on the right side, and
then Add..., Edit..., and Delete on the bottom? Or maybe just
changing Up and Down to arrows?
- the startup thing is trickier. I think that the textfield for
entering values should be embedded into the panel instead of a
popup. Also, it doesn't seem to work for me (I am using 0.41-4
vanilla). I can't add items to the list.I think once this is worked out, the best plan would be to submit a
patch to the tracker and assign it to Miller. Then I'll also
include it in Pd-extended..hc
On May 11, 2008, at 2:25 AM, David Golightly wrote:
Just verified against my own install of Pd-extended-0.40.3 on OS X
10.4 - enough differences exist otherwise in the nightlies that
this version of the file will only work with 0.41.4.Attached is an updated (slightly bugfixed) version.
So... what's the procedure for checking in to svn :)?
On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 4:24 PM, David Golightly
davigoli@gmail.com wrote: Well scratch that then, perhaps that will only work when you're
building pd on your own machine. If you launch Pd from Terminal,
you might see error output in that terminal window - that would be
helpful to have.On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 3:17 PM, marius schebella
marius.schebella@gmail.com wrote: I tried this with pd extended 0.40-3, but did not get a startup
pref window at all and the path window was very small and empty.
(os x, 10.5.) marius.David Golightly wrote: And, here's a version with an updated Startup dialog. Simply copy
this to bin/pd.tk http://pd.tk (make a backup first!) to try it
out.On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 12:48 PM, David Golightly
<davigoli@gmail.com mailto:davigoli@gmail.com> wrote:On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Steffen Juul <stffn@dibidut.dk mailto:stffn@dibidut.dk> wrote:
On 10/05/2008, at 19.48, David Golightly wrote: Ok, after a busy week this is what I've been able to
come up with for the Path dialog.
Looking really good! The browse functionality is a fair
idiom in a such GUI as oppose to entering text, i think.
Thanks! I've often been kind of frustrated that I have to type in the full directory name rather than simply browsing to it. For
the keyboard-inclined, however, text entry should still be possible."One" comment: I have a beef with the functionality of the buttons. Not the Cancel one. The others. 'Apply' does
something. 'Ok' does 'apply' plus 'cancel'. 'Save...' does 'Apply' plus saves. But it says the list is only gonna work from next
time Pd is lunched, why i don't get the 'Apply' and 'Ok'. 'Ok'
should do save and cancel. Thats all one wants, anit?I agree. I've preserved the pre-existing functionality for those buttons from before, but do we really need both "Save" and
"Apply"? Currently, "Save" also "saves preferences" (verbose &
use standard extensions). I think that should also happen when you click "Apply", so we can do away with the "Save" button, and also make sure that the message about needing to restart PD pops up when you click "OK" or "Apply".I'm thinking about adapting this UI for the Startup
dialog - shouldn't be hard to do - except instead of choosing directories you want to enter arbitrary text.
I haven't checked your code but i suppose most "proc's" can be reused? I've set up some various key bindings so I want to make
sure it seems usable for everyone.
Nice. What are they?
Default key bindings for the listbox widget give you "up" and
"down" keys to select, I've added "Delete" to delete the current
selection, and "Return" to open the browse dialog (same as pressing "Edit").So far I've only tested this on Mac OS X OS X.4 here.
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