Look at the output of pd -asio -listdev and run pd -asio -sounddev x -inchannels y -outchannels z (x, y and z are a single number)
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good luck j#|@
----- Original Message ----- From: matthew jones To: PD-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 2:28 PM Subject: [PD] Multichannel + asio
hi, seem to be having some dificulty specifying multiple input and output channels in the startup arguments. pd -listdev gives something like (this is from memory)
Audio Input #1: Creative Soundblaster Audio Input #2: M-Audio Delta 1010 Multichannel Audio Input #3: M-Audio Delta 1010 1/2 Audio Input #4: M-Audio Delta 1010 3/4 Audio Input #5: M-Audio Delta 1010 5/6 Audio Input #6: M-Audio Delta 1010 7/8 Audio Input #7: M-Audio Delta 1010 Mon Mixer Audio Input #8: M-Audio Delta 1010 SPDIF
(The outputs are the same...) clearly, I want to be using the Delta 1010.
for some reason, specifying pd.exe -asio -inchannels 3,4,5,6 -outchannels 3,4,5,6 means pd complains about illegal channel number, then takes a long time to register the quit command.
so I try: pd.exe -asio -inchannels 2 -outchannels 2
same thing. In fact, if I try specifying channel numbers, it complains. I can get the Delta 1010 to work only by not specifying any channel numbers, and altering windows' default device to be Delta 1010. it works, but only 1 stereo pair.
Any idea how to get multichannel I/O working??
cheers, M