David Sabine wrote:
Hello all,
I've continued in my original direction and received an encouring message from Mr. Watson which inspired me to submit THIS message with the following attached documents:
great, that you are doing the work.
still i have some proposals: 1.) as i have only looked into one help patch yet (namely "bang.pd") i do not know whether this applies to all patches: the "related objects" section is great, but maybe you should include a hint from which libraries (Gem, iemlib,...) they originate (where it is appropriate), since it gives error messages if the correct library wasn't loaded, and people get frustrated.
2.) i do not know how others think about this, but maybe it would be better to not propagate patches continously via this list. i'd prefer to have a (central) download-site where you (anyone) can upload your (his/her) contributions, and people can get it on demand. if you don't have access to your own webspace, feel free to use ftp://iem.kug.ac.at/incoming/pdwiki/pddp (maybe with announcments at the wiki-page http://pd.iem.at/pdwiki in addition to the list)
mfg.c.asdr IOhannes
Dave Sabine