I'm also having some problems compiling Gem. I've tried both the CVS version and the .90 release. ./configure keeps resulting in this:
building pix_filmFFMPEG checking for dv_init in -ldv... no checking alternate -ldv in ../../../GemLibs/ /usr/local/lib /usr/local/src... configure: error: library dv not available - try makeauxlibs
I've run makeauxlibs and it finishes successfully. I ran configure with these options:
./configure --prefix=$HOME --libdir=/usr/lib --includedir=usr/lib:../../../GemLibs:/usr/include --enable-mmx --with-ftgl --with-mpeg --with-mpeg3 --with-quicktime --with-avi --with-aviplay --with-avcodec=~/pd/externals/pidip/ffmpeg/libavcodec/libavcodec.a --with-avformat=~/pd/externals/pidip/ffmpeg/libavformat/libavformat.a --with-ieee1394 --with-x
because /usr/lib has libdv.a .la .so .so.2 .so.2.1.0 .so.4 .so.4.0.0. Since using the modified includedir and libdir didn't seem to change anything I tried editing the configure file, replacing every instance of /usr/local/lib with /usr/lib, but that still doesn't change anything.
Thank you for any help.
-Ian SMith-Heisters