On 2013-01-08 19:02, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
Just an addition to this, there's some more weird behavior. When I have my patch open, with no bangs sent to [link] or [mass], if I open the 01_basic.pd patch from pmpd's examples, I get "error: inlet: expected 'float' but got 'bang'", whereas if I open 01_basics.pd without having my patch open, everything seems to work fine. I'm not using [send] from [metro] to [link] and [mass], but I rather connect them with cords. I'm just sending this one as well in case it's a hint that will help someone who might know what's wrong.
wild guess: you have copied (and modified) the example patch and re-used some of the receiver labels (the first arg to [link]/[mass]), but are now sending other messages to those labels that are not understood by the objects in 01_basics.pd
fgmasdr IOhannes