Try making an abstraction with graph-on-parent enabled and make it the same size as the bang. Then you can tweak whatever you want inside, use creation arguments (even on the bang)... I'm using this trick to do synchronized GUI objects. The only problem is you can't access the properties menu, but you can still modify the bang if you send it messages like size, color... It works great for me! Also, if you make the graph-on-parent 2 pixels wider you will get a kind of "bold" bang, which I find very cool.
2012/6/20 Patrice Colet colet.patrice@free.fr
in a dynamic GUI patching project, I'm using a bang that would destroy itself and some other objects that come along with it. [bang] is dynamically contructed then bang would need a callback abstraction, or a 'settable receive'.
Maybe such thing would be possible by using a slider instead of a bang, and setting max and min value to a number attributed to this graphical element, but it makes more sense graphicaly to use a bang for that, we know that bang doesn't output anything else than 'bang', so my question is: why not telling [bang] to output a message, and using only 'bang' for default?
Colet Patrice
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