|questions | |a. i wanted to have a slider that has a range that could be set per inlet -- |i didn't get that with ggext sliders - some ideas how to do this?
multiply the slider's output , set range in * right input ?
|b. i had the problem, that the state object from the ggext library did not |work properly - sometimes it restored the saved values but most of the time |it restored always the same values, that had never been stored before |(mostly zeroes)
oehr, is it possible state gets confused, when you add number boxes and stuff _after_ placing the state object and saving a state .. ?
|c. it would be very helpful to have a list of all (or at least the most |important) objects and created patches available - with a short discription |--maybe it would be a great idea to have an archive in the web where all |these are listed with links (all on one and not on 5000 different sites)
go ahead and do it. i can't even manage to document and put up my 'own' objects .. but sure, it would be GREAT! ;)