On Oct 2, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
You have to set and clear the four digital outs that go to the motor.
i have the stepper turning by the way of a potentiometer, now is the
pd part where im stuck.
You have to explicitly set and unset each of the four control lines
in a specific sequence.
ok, but if one wants to do this by the way of, say an [hslider], if
possible. How can i get to set/unset 4 messages..uhmm? what would be
the right way to send those patterns to the arduino?
The speed you do it at determines how fast the motor turns. Each
new step is a different pattern.
The sequence can be found by trial and error. When it's wrong the
motor just jitters. It's not dangerous.
yes, i ve seen that, it doesnt even go as hot as a servo does.
tx again martin /a