Thanks for all the advice. Yes I agree David the Muse software is very buggy.
@IOhannes here is the ouput of your patch (there's a lot more this is a small excerpt):
osc: /muse/elements/beta_session_score 0.575758 0.05 0.95 0.571429 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 108 101 109 101 110 116 115 47 100 101 108 116 97 95 115 101 115 115 105 111 110 95 115 99 111 114 101 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 63 12 246 71 62 147 250 21 62 168 168 169 63 30 17 46 osc: /muse/elements/delta_session_score 0.550633 0.289017 0.329412 0.61745 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 108 101 109 101 110 116 115 47 103 97 109 109 97 95 115 101 115 115 105 111 110 95 115 99 111 114 101 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 62 93 103 201 61 50 22 67 63 23 69 209 62 35 215 10 osc: /muse/elements/gamma_session_score 0.216216 0.0434783 0.590909 0.16 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 108 101 109 101 110 116 115 47 116 104 101 116 97 95 115 101 115 115 105 111 110 95 115 99 111 114 101 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 62 238 154 25 62 196 0 0 62 168 129 159 62 221 47 27 osc: /muse/elements/theta_session_score 0.466019 0.382812 0.329114 0.432 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 82 142 183 68 82 37 112 68 70 56 91 68 71 116 49 osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 840.585 792.881 797.815 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 81 82 225 68 81 188 41 68 69 101 204 68 67 192 174 osc: /muse/eeg 837.295 838.94 789.591 783.011 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 97 99 99 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 0 0 0 0 66 106 96 24 68 124 238 26 67 47 200 18 osc: /muse/acc 58.5938 1011.72 175.782 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 97 99 99 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 0 0 0 0 66 140 160 14 68 126 226 26 67 59 128 19 osc: /muse/acc 70.3126 1019.53 187.5 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 100 114 108 114 101 102 0 0 0 0 44 102 102 0 73 201 56 25 73 201 56 25 osc: /muse/drlref 1.64839e+06 1.64839e+06 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 97 99 99 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 0 0 0 0 66 171 224 18 68 126 226 26 67 67 80 20 osc: /muse/acc 85.9376 1019.53 195.313 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 97 99 99 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 0 0 0 0 66 156 64 16 68 125 232 26 67 67 80 20 osc: /muse/acc 78.1251 1015.63 195.313 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 78 219 53 68 78 113 238 68 68 41 246 68 63 163 229 osc: /muse/eeg 827.425 825.78 784.656 766.561 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 47 113 117 97 110 116 105 122 97 116 105 111 110 0 0 44 105 105 105 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 osc: /muse/eeg/quantization 1 1 1 1 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 80 23 11 68 80 23 11 68 69 101 204 68 65 73 2 osc: /muse/eeg 832.36 832.36 789.591 773.141 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 86 171 129 68 79 68 124 68 70 56 91 68 75 250 66 osc: /muse/eeg 858.68 829.07 792.881 815.91 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 81 188 41 68 79 68 124 68 70 161 162 68 71 116 49 osc: /muse/eeg 838.94 829.07 794.526 797.815 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 79 68 124 68 80 23 11 68 71 10 233 68 66 132 216 osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 832.36 796.17 778.076 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 79 68 124 68 78 113 238 68 71 116 49 68 68 41 246 osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 825.78 797.815 784.656 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 82 37 112 68 78 113 238 68 73 25 78 68 75 39 179 osc: /muse/eeg 840.585 825.78 804.395 812.62 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 82 247 255 68 77 54 24 68 73 130 149 68 79 173 196 osc: /muse/eeg 843.875 820.845 806.04 830.715 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 82 142 183 68 77 54 24 68 71 221 120 68 73 130 149 osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 820.845 799.46 806.04 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 82 247 255 68 78 113 238 68 71 10 233 68 67 87 103 osc: /muse/eeg 843.875 825.78 796.17 781.366 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 85 216 242 68 78 113 238 68 71 116 49 68 71 10 233 osc: /muse/eeg 855.39 825.78 797.815 796.17 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 86 66 57 68 80 23 11 68 73 25 78 68 74 85 36 osc: /muse/eeg 857.035 832.36 804.395 809.33 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 80 233 154 68 78 219 53 68 73 130 149 68 73 130 149 osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 827.425 806.04 806.04 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 74 190 107 68 75 144 250 68 73 235 221 68 68 252 132 osc: /muse/eeg 810.975 814.265 807.685 787.946 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 74 85 36 68 76 204 208 68 75 250 66 68 68 41 246 osc: /muse/eeg 809.33 819.2 815.91 784.656 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 101 101 103 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 102 0 0 0 68 80 128 82 68 78 8 166 68 78 8 166 68 75 250 66 osc: /muse/eeg 834.005 824.135 824.135 815.91 raw: 47 109 117 115 101 47 97 99 99 0 0 0 44 102 102 102 0 0 0 0 66 140 160 14 68 126 226 26 67 67 80 20 osc: /muse/acc 70.3126 1019.53 195.313
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems odd to me that the "raw" data is almost exactly the same each time.
Thanks again Richie
On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:27 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 01/12/2016 05:03 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
That error was being generated when new messages were arriving at [unpackOSC] before it had finished with the previous message.
i'm curious how this could possibly happen. even if the data was sent super-fast, once a list of bytes comes out of [udpreceive], Pd will not allow another list to come until the downstream [unpackOSC] signals that it has done it's work (by returning from the stack).
A newer version of [unpackOSC] is in the sourceforge svn repository at
which fixed a re-entrancy problem, which is not the same as "fast data" (although re-entrancy happens in zero-logical time).
doing a quick check of the code, the error should be thrown if the OSC-message contained an "invalid" string, e.g. one that contains weirdo characters or is not properly zero-padded.
@richie: would it be possible to get the OSC-message (as byte-list) that generates the error?
something like the output of the following patch:
[udpreceive 7777] (change the port to yours) | [t a a] | | | [print raw] | [unpackOSC] | [print osc]
this will potentially flood the console even more, but just a few lines of output should be sufficient.
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