Jump on click *might* be possible. You’ll have to ask Chris as he made the abstraction.
very elegant !
i wish i would understand data structures better ...
one small question about [touch]:
can this be modified to a "jump on click" behaviour ?
Dan Wilcox wrote:
I am using vanilla nowadays and i was wondering if someone has arrived at an elegant way of simulating the X/Y control of the grid object that used to reside in unauthorized? I would like to get at least that smooth blend of x/y with one knob/control and i am curious if others have made something to replace it or have an abs that can simulate what i was sharing
Check out the pure vanilla [touch] object in the Droidparty abstractions: http://www.droidparty.net http://www.droidparty.net/
This also has the benefit that it will be rendered as an XY object in both Droidparty & PdParty.
Dan Wilcox @danomatika http://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/