I'm trying to install Pd-0.39.2-extended-test7-macosx104-powerpc.dmg from http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers.html on a G4 laptop running MacOSX 10.4.8
the instructions say:
# To install, drag the Pd.app anywhere on your your hard drive. # For newbies: to install support for creb, Gem, pmpd, xsample, vasp, # etc., copy the included org.puredata.pd.plist to ~/Library/Preferences # (~ means your home folder). If you already have preferences saved, # this would replace them.
I do exactly that and while I can get PD to run, it will not load any of the libraries. I've also tried to edit the preferences from the GUI...but no luck there either.
anyone have a working org.puredata.pd.plist or pdrc ?
what am I doing wrong?
thanks -august.