A very practical and useful solution. I especially love the 'dead chicken' xml joke!
On 11/16/06, sven ml.sven@subscience.de wrote:
i've tried a lot of things to play audio and video in sync. there's one technique that's really reliable and that works on all platforms with gem and/or pdp. i've posted it here a while back - here is it again:
you'll have to split the audio and the video into individual files and
them separately. the best way to make sure that a/v stays perfectly in sync would be to
play the audio
with [vline~] + [tabread4~] and [snapshot~] the ouput of [vline~] every
to determine the frame of the video to be displayed.
the technique above (replace [vline~] with whatever you're controlling your audio playback with) also works for timestretching, reverse playback and scratching. and beside the video and the audio file also a dead_chicken.txt is needed because the framerate of the video needs to be known to pd somehow.
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