Le 2011-09-25 à 16:19:00, Marvin Humphrey a écrit :
Thanks, but if I become a serious user, I hope to make substantial contributions to Pd at some point, and for various reasons my preference is to contribute to a BSD-licensed project over one that is licensed under the GPL.
I heard that it's GPL'd too, but I don't know what it applies to. Looking at a checkout of pdextended 42 (the last one in svn), nearly all license notices are BSD. The two exceptions are the notice in [expr~]'s source and about.pd.
In vanilla the only exception is [expr~].
Given that nearly all changes in pdextended are made with the intent of going to vanilla on vanilla's terms, and given that the license of existing code can't just be changed, I cannot really tell which part is covered by GPL3. What is said in about.pd is contradictory to the dozens of other notices.
I was under the impression that Pd-extended consisted of augmentations to Vanilla. Is it actually a fork?
How would you draw the line ? Everybody (and their cats) has their own idea of what the word «fork» ought to be used for. E.g. en.wikipedia says that a fork is the point at which a branch becomes two or more. Random slashdot dudes would say a fork is like a branch except done for... some kind of evil purposes... ;)
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC