Le Jeudi 26 Juillet 2001 14:51, Ricardo Climent a écrit :
pd-new connect 7 0 0 0; // turn on audio; pd dsp 1; // and ... control it the first word is the name of the receive above; freq 500 4000; // that's it, there will be several things to figure out, but by writing; // this patch down in ascii I get the feeling that coding pd in lisp; // will be a killer ... defininitely.; // we will be able to automate lots of things I had to do by hand here;
I can´t remember who wrote this quote as part of the documentation to write PD patches without the GUI. What do you mean with 'coding pd in clisp will be a killer'? Could you provide an clisp example to write pd-nogui files?
This "> >//" was write by Guenter Geiger. You can find all his work (no, only pdscript !) in the documentation I have post on the list jul 23.
You'll find too a script in TCL that show how to send message to pd (both in guy or no-gui mode) using socket.
I don't know clisp, but if it allow to use socket, then it will be very easy to drive or construct some pd patch with the no-gui option...
I guess that pdscript from guenter can work both in gui and no-gui mode (you just have to specify -nogui -open /rigth_path/lisp.pd)
I hope this help.
Damien HENRY