ix wrote:
.@list in toxy does not work with variable length lists
it does, since yesterday... I have finally decided to add the .#args parameter. Should I release toxy now, with the .wid file format slightly changed (supports a creator scriptlet), or wait until the format is likely to settle for good?
.qlist wont work with absolute timestamps..but oh wait, l2s & pipe does the trick!
or controlling a [qlist] with 'next', [t], [-], and [delay]?
.want to insert 2, or maybe 3 or 4 elements, into a list after the first 2 elements .want to insert an entire list into another message, so use l2s and $1, etc...
I entirely agree with Johannes about insertion being quite simple using zexy (or zl), and about the need for standardizing list handling into a built-in object (ala zl), or objects (ala zexy), with a carefully chosen small set of built-in features, to be extended with abstractions.