pix@test.at wrote:
this doesn't happen under linux (so it's not a fundamental part of pd, it's a windows thing).
Hmm, windoZe... :-(
but something you could try, as a kind of workaround, is to use a symbol atom (added from the put menu), connected to soundfiler. then to open a file, click on the symbol atom, type the path, and then hit return. this will then get sent out as a symbol message. if you want the chance to make mistakes, you could send it to the cold input of a "symbol" object, and then send a bang to the hot input when you have got it right.
Yes, This works fine, and inspired by this, i noticed a way using receive object and sendpanel, like r test -> symbol -> "read -resize $1 array" -> soundfiler and sent ";test test.aif" from sendpanel(File menu -> Message or Ctl+m).
however, I (maybe and others...) still need a way to choose files only by clicking, because the ways above need key-inputs and this prevent me to use key-inputs to controlling sounds.
note, you can change the width of the symbol atom with the "properties" popup menu, so you can type long pathnames. (you get this menu by clicking with the right button under linux, assuming it's the same under windows).
Under windows, it seems this option is implemented on version0.32 not version0.31. (In my environment,Version 0.32 is a little bit unstable, though i prefer its white background and other new features.)