hello Rich,
thanks for the info, unfortunatly, linuxevent is not able to open the wacom. it's just like with hid. i try to open both /dev/input/wacom and /dev/input/event8 and got an error in pd.
thanks Cyrille
Rich E a écrit :
I'm not in front of a Linux machine at the moment, but I was using a Wacom tablet in linux for the last couple years. [HID] doesn't work with calling the symbolic links in /dev/input/. I was able to get the tablet to send out data with [hid] by going through the [open $1( with all indeces, clicking on [info(, then seeing if it was the tablet. I tried various ways to automate this with the output info strings but never got anything to work consistently. This, and that I didn't like the way control data was output, made me switch back to using [linuxevent]. It works just find with [open /dev/input/wacom ( and the data is easy to interpret in pd. I attached a (very dirty) patch that I used to route the control data with [linuxevent], hope it saves you some time.
Tablets don't seem to work well with [hid] in any platform (not in windows either, right?), not at all in OS X, the platform I am now on.
I'm re-writing a general purpose [tablet] external right now that will at first only work in OS X, but hopefully it can cover all platforms later on down the road. It is just that the API is different for the three big ones, mac, linux, and windows.regards, Rich
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:12 PM, cyrille henry <ch@chnry.net mailto:ch@chnry.net> wrote:
hello few years go, i used a wacom with the [gemtablet] object. this was working perfectly. but i now realize that this object is no more part of Gem (since 3 years). the dummy object that replace it say that one must use hid instead. so did i. but i failed making it work. i'm using linux and hid from pd svn. i send a "open /dev/input/wacom" message to the hid object, and get as only answer : info: open 0 info: device 0 if i start pooling, then the wacom did not work anymore, and i have to reboot the computer to make it work again. playing a bit more with that object made pd to crash. any suggestion to make my wacom work with hid? any other object that could get data from a wacom? or should i try to get the old sources of gemtablet to compile again??? thanks Cyrille _______________________________________________ Pd-list@iem.at <mailto:Pd-list@iem.at> mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list