i guess <remove> and <previous> are not implemented for lists.. is there plan to implement these ?
setsize (lets you resize a list) and element (lets you directly access a specific element)
also, would it be outside scope of pd to have signal arrays in templates/lists vs having to copy that to an array ? ie would mean dynamically created arrays, which would be uzeful for much. ex non-destructive editing, multiple sample instruments etc..
you can as dynamically update your signal arrays as well as your lists ...
is it possible to have lists within lists ?
with the template mechanism.
what does sublist do ?
hm, .. ;) lets checkitout ..
osw is 'open sound world' by the way .. i haven't read the paper but it seems interesting. i'm not sure how much more it would achieve in musical sense (being yet another graphical procedural language)
at least its 'open' ... hahaha .. ;))
glrk, ltr