I am currently doing some Asterisk to Pure Data stuff.
I am in Eindhoven at the van Abbemuseum and set up an Asterisk to Pd radio station. I have a patch that runs on the computer and it looks for recorded phone call files on the asterisk server and then plays them randomly, and if a new call is recorded, that file is played automatically.
Then the audio is transmitted on terrestrial FM radio and streamed via the mp3cast~ object to an icecast2 server.
Let me know if you are interested in the Asterisk/pd files.
-Ryan Holsopple
On 11/17/07, PSPunch shima@pspunch.com wrote:
I've done this with Asterisk 1.2
About an year ago I was hyped by how easily voice menus could be created using Asterisk. Mainly letting voice menus interact with PD and I didn't do much audio work.
Asterisk has a platform to easily integrate scripts called AGI. Any language which returns commands in the required format to STDOUT can be used with AGI. I prepared some PHP scripts that were called when pressing the dial pad, which would then throw UDP packets to PD. .. nothing fascinating.
As a matter of fact, I had an Asterisk server running at home which allowed users to login using the touchpad, then record their voices which get mixed with a BGM of their choice and auto upload to their blog. I may have a bit of knowledge to get total newbies started.
(But please don't count on it too much.. haven't touched it in a while)
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Hey all,
I just met the development team of Asterisk at a talk they gave. For those who don't know it, it's free software for building complete phone systems, including voicemail, touch tone menus, voice prompts, voice recogniztion integration, etc. It's very cool software, it allows you to do whatever you want with phones.
Anyway, I was thinking that Pd and Asterisk would be a very natural pair, so I am wondering whether anyone has tried using the two together.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from scarcity." -John Gilmore
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