apart from the "generic" library extensions (".pd_darwin", ".pd_linux", ".so" and ".dll"), Pd also supports platform specific extensions, with a OS prefix and the CPU architecture:
"m_" -> Windows
"d_" -> macOS
"l_" -> Linux
"o_" -> OpenBSD
"amd64" -> Intel 64-bit
"i386" -> Intel 32-bit
"arm" -> Arm 32-bit
"arm64" -> Arm 64-bit
"ppc" -> PowerPC
In your case, you can ship two different binaries next to each other: ".d_i386" and ".d_amd64".
Finally, macOS also supports fat binaries, where several architectures are contained within a single binary. These have the extension ".d_fat".
On 05.06.2020 12:42, Peter P. wrote:
excuse me if this has been discussed before but since I am not on OS X I am wondering how one would include pre-compiled externals for OS X these days for 32bit and 64bit Pd installations. Do these files have different extensions on OS X and will Pd select the correct one?
thanks, P
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