On Mon, Feb 27, 2012, at 22:39, András Murányi wrote:
Just a list of strange things I noticed running latest autobuild - on this account where Pd was never used before. (some of these are perhaps known or perfectly ok. Now that pd on my account is practically out of order, I'm kind of a newbie when I start it up...)
- starts up with message: Cannot read GUI prefs file:
That should be a debug message rather than an error, I'll change that.
- "maximum object loading depth 1000 reached" message when object not
What object is it trying to create when it does that? By the way, there is a nice new feature, you can do File -> Save As.. on the Pd window, and it'll save the entire Pd window contents. That's useful for including in emails like this :)
- there is no .pdextended file. If I'm not wrong, it's created when you
first try to save preferences, but your preferences won't be saved.
Pd-extended will only create one when you "Save All Settings" in the Audio Settings.
- Before exit, if chose to save dirty new patch, an Application Error
window appears:
Not connected to 'pd' process Not connected to 'pd' process while executing "error "Not connected to 'pd' process"" (procedure "pdsend" line 6) invoked from within "pdsend "pd watchdog"" (procedure "pdtk_watchdog" line 2) invoked from within "pdtk_watchdog" ("after" script)
- After quit i get this error every time: pdsend errorname: >>error
writing "sock6": broken pipe<<
That's an odd one, sounds like your 'pd' process is dying. Any ideas why?
- Default .pdextended has no 'path' list
Yup, use the standard locations[1] or the new [path] object. http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files
- When using 'path' in .pdextended, many, seemingly pointless (?) errors
come up like this:
I'm no longer supporting setting the path and startup libs via the preferences. Anyone else is welcome to take that on.