OK, here the 'soft_edge' with GUI. I await your comments. ++
Le vendredi 24 décembre 2010 à 22:58 +0100, Jack a écrit :
Le vendredi 24 décembre 2010 à 22:51 +0100, Jack a écrit :
Yep, i have still the Gui for this 'soft edge' but i try to use an input and output matrix to manage screens.
Argghhh ! But you did it in your patch !
I hope, i could release this version before the end of this year (and after finishing the orange book) ;) Just a note about your patch, it seems that the loadbang go to the wrong 'geometry_screen' message (4 3 instead od 2 2).
Ok, so i will work on the GUI :/ :) ++
Le vendredi 24 décembre 2010 à 22:28 +0100, cyrille henry a écrit :
i've updated the soft edge patch for Gem. you can now have different matrices geometry between the screen and the computer. i.e : 4 screen in a raw connected to the computer can be used to display an image based on 2x2 screen.
i think this patch need a small gui cleanup (jack?) to be add to Gem examples.
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