It seems we need to force add "" like symbol boxes do in these cases
This would also be possible. Probably better than silently bashing to individual symbols.
(but not on adding a space, cause we usually want spaces in the list box).
We can't really automatically escape them anyway because the unescaped and escaped white space have different meanings.
On 23.11.2021 21:36, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em ter., 23 de nov. de 2021 às 14:59, Christof Ressi escreveu:
- if I type "hi, there" in a list box I get an unescaped (and seemingly ilegal) "," symbol.
Generally, list atoms contain FUDI strings and colons, semicolons and dollars have special meanings. You have to escape them explicitly if you want them to part of a symbol. "foo,bar" -> 3 atoms "foo\,bar" -> 1 symbol atom However, you're right that the list atom forgets to bash those special to symbols, so you end up with A_SEMI, A_COMMA, A_DOLLAR and A_DOLLSYM atoms on the patch level - which is bad!
It seems we need to force add "" like symbol boxes do in these cases (but not on adding a space, cause we usually want spaces in the list box).
In parallel, there's the idea to hide this force adding "" visually on the boxes, but this can be taken care further in both cases of list/symbol boxes.