Hi PD,
I am getting crackles when driving the frequency of an osc~ with an accelerometer signal (in fact I'm driving 3 x 2 = 6 oscillators with Wiimotes as wireless 2 triaxial accelerometers) , which one can hear in the following mp4 movie (at the end when I am waving the sensors faster):
The Pure Data patch for one channel can be seen here:
And the whole system's patches can be seen here:
Each conditioned accelerometer channel can drive a Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO) (osc~) with the option of locking onto discrete MIDI note frequencies, as well as a frequency scaling, a frequency offset, and an output gain.
I have tried inserting a sig~ before the osc~, it made no audible difference.
I have tried including a line and line~ to smooth the signal before varying the frequency, it made no audible difference.
I now have a limiter~ in COMPRESS mode at the output, did not help (it certainly helped with many other things, just not with my VFO problem).
The amplitude definitely remains constant during this.
When I open up the osc~ examples and pump the frequency very quickly with just a mouse over the feeding number as simulated driver I don't get any problems at all.
Note however that I am driving 6 oscillators (and a lot more stuff) when running my full system, however I'm not topping out my CPU, so I don't think that's the problem either.
Am bamboozled, since I don't recall having this trouble using the same naive strategy with an equivalent JSyn audio synthesis system.
Very glad for any suggestions and help,