On 03/19/2011 02:59 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
--- On Sat, 3/19/11, dmotdinaudible@simplesuperlativ.es wrote:
Still I believe Ardour has had limited contributors to the code, so if they wished to band together as a copyright collective they would be well within their rights to create a commercial fork for evermore, leaving us with what we have at present.
I highly doubt they'll be doing that: http://ardour.org/node/4044
Yeah, was only a hypothetical if anyone there ever got desperate for a stream of revenue. Other large open projects don't have that option as the number of contributors makes it incredibly difficult to be flexible with copyright, one contributors staunch oposition to relicensing would pretty much result in stalemate unless their contributions could be completely rewritten without legal threat (Ugly).
Paul Davis has obviously carefully considered his options and I wouldn't want to argue on his behalf. And if he can make his tool run to the demands of commercial studios, and charge them bucketloads for support, he might just have an open tool with a fantatical userbase and a revenue stream to compete with the other (niche) industry leaders.