Hallo, wollscheid hat gesagt: // wollscheid wrote:
that's the standard recommendation - no, -inchannels 6 -outchannels 6 etc. does not work.
I see.
And linux is no option because of network/remote stuff.
Well, than I probably won't be of much help anymore. PortAudio in general can handle different channels counts, AFAIK. But Pd uses the pablio layer built on top of plain PA (so no audio callback is needed). Pablio as it is incorporated into Pd cannot handle different in/out channel counts according to the source reading I just did. At least it can handle setting the number of channels, which doesn't seem to be in upstream Pablio at all. Someone with much deeper knowledge of PA and Pd than I is needed...
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__