So, I've been checking about nbx and infinite values... I can see you intentionally had nbx to clip at a certain range of values by default, more specifically, we see in the line 760 of g_numbox.c double min=-1.0e+37, max= 1.0e+37,v=0.0;
I think this should default to inf or -inf, but I see there's an issue that prevents us from being able to set it in the GUI interface.
The difference with the atom box is that if you have a range from 0-0 it doesn't clip, and it can go up to inf or -inf... but with nbx, a range of 0-0 clips it in this single value of 0... and since it does not understand if you type "-inf" or "inf" as an actual infinite float, we're pretty much tied up in setting this via the interface.
Nonetheless, it is possible to set the nbx to accept -inf or inf via a patch that sends a range message. I have this example attached.
Funny thing is that if you now open the properties you can see "-inf" and "inf" set as the range. But if you save the properties with those, it doesn't understand it and things get ruined again even if you have made this workaround :P
So this proves it it not a code or restriction from the object, but from the interface.
I personally like very much being able to print "inf" in a fancy number GUI box, so I think this is something that needs to be fixed, but how?
do you have any thoughts?
atom number box.
has no restriction