Hello pzuspann, If your audio hardware is configured correctly in Pd Audio Settings (check that the correct number of IOs are also set next to the choice of audio hardware), you can use [dac~ #] objects to access the relevant ports. E.g., [dac~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] will make a dac object with 8 inlets, and [adc~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] will give 8 outlets. You can also do things like [dac~ 2 5 8] if that is what you desire.
On 11/29/06, pzuspann pzuspann@yahoo.com wrote:
I'm running windows xp with a MOTU 828. In PD, I can only use the first (2) inputs and the first (2) outputs. Any ideas on how I can change the settings to gain access to all the inputs/outputs?...I have the standard (MMIO) audio set to MOTU Analog with 8 channels on input and output...
Any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks...
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