MvH wrote:
<sorry mathieu, I have the lazy habit of sending to lists by replying to one - it went wrong.>
How would I go if I want to concantate numbers and symbols?
I want to combine text with a number. Like:
Number1 Number2
I want to increase/decrease the number behind the symbol - I'm going to use it for a label that I want to be set and labels don't like spaces in their name.
If you want to put one number in a symbol, you can use [makefilename]
float | [makefilename Number%d] | symbol
I think you can also use %s in the makefilename pattern to put symbols into a string, and you can use "set" messages to chain makefilenames together. makefilename is a Pd internal.
If you want to turn a list of symbols and floats into a symbol, then there is [list2symbol] in the zexy library.
list of stuff to join | | symbol to put between them at the join | | [list2symbol] | symbol
If the left inlet is "list a 2 c" and the right inlet is "symbol -" then the outlet gives "symbol a-2-c".