I get a similar message we using GEM:
GEM: Mark Danks GEM: ver: 0.81 GEM: compiled: Aug 28 1999 error: gemwin_color: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME
but everything seems to work well... this message occured first after having installed a ACECAD tablet running WinNT.
Gabriel Maldonado schrieb:
Hi all, I recompiled the ggext library (under Win98) and at startup PD console shows the following warning:
error: envgen_sustain: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME GGEXT: Guenter Geiger GGEXT: ver: unknown GGEXT: compiled: Jul 28 2000
What is A_GIMME?
-- Gabriel Maldonado