Oh, Gem, of course. So when I'm not using Gem, I can safely do without those eight path elements, then?
Also, while I'm being a whinging pest...it's impossible to add a path element that lives inside the pd-extended.app "folder" using the path dialog. This is because OS X makes the .app package not look like a folder, I suppose, but it's unfortunate nevertheless. Off to edit the .plist, I go.
Thanks, Hans.
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Well, it makes it easier to find fonts. That's the reason. I suppose most people aren't using fonts much with Pd. If [declare -path] works for Gem fonts, then I would consider removing some from the default prefs.
On Mar 26, 2009, at 9:23 PM, Phil Stone wrote:
Do there really need to be eight different font-related entries in the path list for Pd-extended on OS X? If so, why?
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