Dear all,
I am trying to read a matrix that I created out of pd into pd (I used matlab-wrote it in a *.txt file and overwrote it then as a *.mtx file). Unfortunately this cannot be read by pd. pd-tells me: tried /home/gerda/meine_matrix.mtx and succeeded but clicking bang does not show me any output--
whereas reading my_matrix.mtx which I created with pd within this patch works perfectly. tried /home/gerda/my_matrix.mtx and succeeded matrix: 0.0939942 0.606959 0.673754 0.743987 0.470282 0.690423 0.71959 0.717481 0.567374 0.183636 0.966718 0.283412 0.485956 0.854747 0.339188 0.432465 0.951956 0.735334 0.374574 0.774221
Did I miss something or what do I have to consider(space?) when I use a matrix form that I created externally.
Thanks in advance.
-attached is my_matrix.mtx, meine_matrix-mtx and matrixtest.pd
0.4154 0.214 0.6833 0.4514 0.6085 0.08408 0.121 0.2319 0.4398 0.9342 0.305 0.6435 0.2126 0.0439 0.01576 0.4544 0.4508 0.2393 0.34 0.2644 0.8744 0.32 0.8392 0.02719 0.01635 0.4418 0.7159 0.04975 0.3142 0.1603 0.01501 0.9601 0.6288 0.3127 0.1901 0.3533 0.8928 0.07838 0.3651 0.8729 0.768 0.7266 0.1338 0.01286 0.5869 0.1536 0.2731 0.6408 0.3932 0.2379 0.9708 0.412 0.2071 0.384 0.05758 0.6756 0.2548 0.1909 0.5915 0.6458 0.9901 0.7446 0.6072 0.6831 0.3676 0.6992 0.8656 0.8439 0.1197 0.9669 0.7889 0.2679 0.6299 0.09284 0.6315 0.7275 0.2324 0.1739 0.03813 0.6649 0.4387 0.4399 0.3705 0.03534 0.7176 0.4784 0.8049 0.1708 0.4586 0.8704 0.4983 0.9334 0.5751 0.6124 0.6927 0.5548 0.9084 0.9943 0.8699 0.009927
#matrix 4 5 0.093994222581387 0.606958866119385 0.673754096031189 0.743987143039703 0.470281839370728 0.690423488616943 0.719589889049530 0.717480599880219 0.567373931407928 0.183635994791985 0.966717898845673 0.283411592245102 0.485955536365509 0.854746639728546 0.339187622070312 0.432464569807053 0.951956033706665 0.735333502292633 0.374573737382889 0.774220585823059
#N canvas 0 0 553 360 10; #X msg 88 145 element $1 $1; #X obj 196 151 mtx_rand; #X msg 196 129 4 5; #X msg 244 128 bang; #X obj 244 203 mtx_print; #X text 234 90 load and save matrices; #X obj 244 179 matrix test.mtx; #X msg 327 57 read /home/gerda/my_matrix.mtx; #X msg 298 122 write /home/gerda/my_matrix.mtx; #X msg 298 145 read /home/gerda/meine_matrix.mtx; #X connect 1 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 6 0; #X connect 6 0 4 0; #X connect 7 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 6 0; #X connect 9 0 6 0;