Hi list-of-the-gods!
I have but a few questions this time:
Is there an object that can turn of and on graph on parent? Some times its nice to configure things via a gui but to be able to turn all that off on the objects that are just recieveing messages would be nice. Also if I put a bunch of graph on parent objects inside a [pd bla] type subpatch will their gui's still eat cpu power?
Lets say I have an external that I can send a message to, that can turn switch~ off andd on: if I turn the external off can I still send a message to it to turn it back on? (I will experiment with this when I get home...)
Setting an external to have a low blocksize using [block~] forces the external to be computed more frequently (because of the small blocksize) and therefor consume more cpu, right?
I ask these silly questions becasue I madde a bunch of graph on parent patches, but for most of them once there configured they can just recieve messages, and I would like to elimiate the popping I get when I have a bunch of the gop externals loaded and I move the mouse or drag an object (without increasing the latency that is...)
Thanks list! -thewade ps: I have a piece in a performance on sat and sun that uses PD on my 64-bit machine! Wish me luck!
Extra credit: Is there a way to force tabread4~ to read only even samples? On 64bit tabread returns goodd values if I read only even samples (obviously becasue the lower 32 bits have the value and the upper are all zeros, but the increment is 32, so [line] [t f f] [- ]\[% 2] [tabread] works ok. [tabread~