I installed PD-extended on Windows Vista: I simply downloaded and ran the installer without changing any setting.
Now I run pd-extended, I create a new patch and try to create the following objects which I believe should all exist: [gemwin], [gemhead] [timeroll] [range] [readdir] [dirpanel]
None of them can be created. It seems like it is not "loading" the externals. I may be wrong about timelorr, range, readdir, but the first two are gem objects, so at least it is not running GEM. Also [dirpanel] was suggested to me by someone in the list. Isn't PD-Extended supposed to be already "configured" out-of-the-box to load all the included externals and libraries? (isn't it half all pd-extended is about, the other half being actually including the externals and libraries?) Including bnlt GEM?
I'm confused. What am I doing wrong? Thanks m.