Your best bet is probably to compile it yourself. I don't know
anything about Fedora in particular tho...
On Jun 29, 2009, at 7:07 AM, adrian.g wrote:
Hi everybody, I was just wandering if the pd-extended for Fedora 9/PlanetCCRMA
would be compatible with Fedora 10PlanetCCRMA? I've just installed Pd-0.42.5-extended-planetccrma9-i386.tar.bz2
from the nightly builds section on my Fedora 10 and pd starts, but I
can't manage to load external libraries (Gem, pmpd etc.). I also
tried the official 0.41.4 release with the same (or even worse)
result. Also in both cases there is no help browser and the object
boxes were displayed to small and the text was sticking out. Is this
somehiw related to tcl\tk version? (mine are tk-8.5.3-5.fc10.i386
and tcl-8.5.3-1.fc10.i386). Another thing: while installing packeges listed at , I got a message that xmms-dev and mysqlclient15-dev couldn't be
found in Fedora nor CCRMA repos. Could that be a source of some
problems or would it only matter if I wanted to compile things from
source? Is there any way to obtain this packages for F10?all the best!!
Adrian Gierakowski _______________________________________________ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
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