- split Gem into a core library (with almost no objects and
dependencies) and a whole bunch of single-object externals. so if the [glsl_vertex] object uses calls unknown to your driver, this object will refrain from loading but it won't hinder Gem from working.
Perhaps this is not surprising, but this sounds good to me :). What
would the disadvantages be? It would make Gem behave like the bulk
of libs (minus pdp, pidip, msd, or any others that are optionally
linked into one dll). That would also help with the couple of
remaining name conflicts in Gem, like scale, curve, etc..hc
I agree with Hans-Christohpe. I finally got Gem running on my machine simply by deleting all the "manips" starting with glsl (just deleted the files and recompiled). The easiest thing would be just adding a configure switch, but it might be smarter to spin off code that has non-free dependencies into one or more separate libs.
cheers Miller
mfga.sdr IOhanes
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