hi ben. in really im very interested in to understand more about how do you work duplicating textures, creating different possibilities with image in gem. im trying to create interestings images with gem, but i odnt know how to shooth a image for ex. for this reason, im using puredata and sending some informations using OSC to processing.
would be great if u share some examples about this in your works. for this reason i ask for the patches ;)
thanks for reply
2008/9/4 B. Bogart ben@ekran.org:
Hi Ricardo,
Thank you for the compliment.
I'd be happy to share any of my patches, problem has been that they end up working in specific contexts. It has been my intention to simplify the patches and publish them as examples. For MAM the patch is very big and complex (and for a reason I can't yet figure out also broken) I'm hoping to replace form of the PD stuff with python code (the CA-like part)
I'll be working on some more elegant patches using the ann_som, they are just not ready yet.
Any particular patches your interested in? My ol performance stuff needs an overhall. I had not touched it for two years and have since dropped OSX.
Anyhow just drop me a line if there is something specific your interested in.
palmieri, ricardo wrote:
hi ben.
i really like too much your works. do you have some pd patches to download in some place, to the puredata/gem users understand your work process/technics?
thx very much
2008/9/2 B. Bogart ben@ekran.org:
Hey all,
In case you have been wondering what I have been doing for the last two years, here it is conveniently packaged into a Masters Thesis. My application has been officially accepted. I'll be spending the next year working on a Canada Council production grant while I think about where I would like to do a Ph.D.
More images and a video are available at:
I hope all is well.
I have not heard from you in some time. Please drop me a line to let me know what you are up to.
B. Bogart
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