sndfiler needs pd devel. choose your own adventure:
not quite true ... georg holzmann ported ported the api of the idle callbacks to MAIN, but this is using thead locks, which may interrupt the audio (
- bug the MAIN developer to consider adding threaded soundfiler
not a solution. a solution would be: fix the way of handling arrays, deprecate some part of m_pd.h with something more powerful
- buy Max/MSP
that's the fastest solution ... the alternative would be: write your own software
- use PD/MSP and sfread~/readsf~ to load files into arrays
and make sure, you don't have to resize your arrays
- use soundfiler and live with the dropouts
it's great if the software limits the artistic output!
-- ICQ: 96771783
Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing. William S. Burroughs