i've just recently started trying to make my things look like RRADical patches, where everything is inside a table, the interface is right there to use, and it's very neat! and i like it very much.
so when i go to make my very own table with buncha_cool_stuff_inside, i sheepishly made my canvas and started putting cool_stuff on top of the canvas only to find out when i closed the table... everything was unusably smooshed together. all my sliders and number boxes were on top of each other and indecipherable. i started moving things around inside the table to make it look nice when the table was closed, and i can get things to where i want them when my table is closed, but it's dreadful looking when i open my table. my canvas is in the upper left, the sliders are in the middle and my numbox's are off to the far right.
i can't figure out how to get the 1-to-1 relationship inside the table, as outside the table. please help explain my faulting here.