On Sep 3, 2006, at 7:26 PM, carmen wrote:
On Mon Sep 04, 2006 at 12:04:12AM +0200, Patco wrote:
The only way i've found with INNO for starting pd with the pd
tools I've developed and necessary options -nogui is my favorite one) is about including a batch file. I am actually looking for a way to compile a windows executable
that would start pd with necessary options (-open, -nogui, -lib, '-etcaetera...'),i added a patch to the tracker a while back for pd.ini support on
windows. easier than a batch file since its the same format
as .pdrc on 'n[iu]x, and obviously easier than using an installer
to add something to the registry.for whatever reason the patch was rejected, but the code proably
lives on in the .ddrc reading portion of desiredata. i havent
.reg files are easy to make, there is one included in the Windows
installer that you can use as an exmaple. Then you just double-click
to install the registry settings.
Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It's a tactic.
It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and
expect we're going to win that war. We're not going to win the war
on terrorism. - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom