oh really
nice i have been using Cmask for quite some time and am very interested to see how/if these work in similarity what would be nice is a few help patches with your externals so we may try em out. i have always wanted to draw masks and quants and accums a la Upic for S&m (stochism and manaipulation) lol
please let me know when you release!
-----Original Message----- From: pd-list-admin@iem.kug.ac.at [mailto:pd-list-admin@iem.kug.ac.at]On Behalf Of Michael McGonagle Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 5:53 PM To: pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Subject: [PD] Do these sound familiar??
Hello all,
Over the past couple of months, I have developed a few externals, but now that I am ready to release them, I was wondering if any of these sound familiar. There are a set of externals that are based on some functions from a program called CMask (a stochastic CSound score generator). I will give the names for my externals, with a short synopsis of what they do. If any of them sound familiar, I would appreciate any insight you might offer, and where I might find the similar externals...
'mask' - inlets: signal, map, low, high - outlet: scaled_signal
'signal' is expected to be within the range of 0..1 (inclusive). 'map' controls how the signal is "warped" prior to scaling [either square root, or power]. 'low' and 'high' mark the range to which the output is scaled.
this maps the signal, and then scales the value to the output range.
'quantize' - inlets: signal, grid, strength, offset - outlet: quantized_signal
'signal' input to process (in any range). 'grid' is the quantization value. 'strength' is the amount of quantization to apply. 'offset' is added to the signal.
quantizes the input signal to the grid with the amount of quantization controlled by strength, and then applies the offset
'accum' - inlets: signal, mode, init, low, high - outlet: signal
'signal' input to process (in any range). 'mode' controls how the accumulator operates. 'init' the initial value for the accumulator 'low' the low end of the accumulators range. 'high' the high end...
keeps an internal state by adding the input signal to the previous value. the modes available are limit [forces a state to stay within the low/high range]; mirror [state is 'reflected' back within the low/high range]; the 'accum' external also responses to a 'reset' message which is used to set the state back to its initial value.
'cbuffer' - inlets: signal, flow-control - outlet(s): signal (X number of outputs), not-filled
'signal' input to track 'flow-control' a spigot-like flag, stops output action (see note)
for each input value, the value is added to the 'circular buffer'. upon initializing (or resetting) the buffer, it will be in an unfilled state. in this state, for each input, there will be an output bang on the right-most output. This flag can be used to trigger code that is used to generate the next value in the stream. Once the buffer is filled, output will be generated for each input value, while the 'flow-control' flag is NOT 0 (zero).
(Question: would it be better to have one output list with all the values in that list?)
'ranger' - inlets: signal - outlets: scaled-signal, low-difference, high-difference
as a signal is input to a 'ranger', the highest and lowest values are stored, and used to scale the signal to a range of 0..1 (inclusive). a 'ranger' also responds to a 'reset' message, effectively setting the lowest and highest state values to opposite maximum possible value.
(Question: while I have created this to track how much the range changes [and not the actual values for the highest and lowest], would it be good to offer an option to have one or the other?? Currently, I use the 'difference' to watch how fast a fractal data set expands as it iterates, but I can also see uses for having the actual low.)
'inverter' - inlets: signal, toggle - outlet: signal
if 'toggle' is NOT 0 (zero), the signal (expected to be in the range of 0..1 [inclusive]) is inverted (out = -(signal - 1.0))
I appreciate your review of these things, and look forward to reading any comments.
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