I am trying to test in iPhone a patch built using PDDroidParty. My problem is that together with the droidparty_main.pd I have a folder with pd abstractions.
For me the best solution to install the patches would be to send them into an email or some kind of message same as we do in Android: all zipped together in a .dpz file. We are going to be sending this to a group of people with different types of phones and we need to get this up and running as soon as possible.
However the iphone does not recognises the .pdz as a PdParty file and it does not give the option to copy it to the PdParty folder. I can send them the .pd files attached individually but then I have to one by one copy them into the folder and they are a few of them.
Is there any other easy to use method to send them all into the PdParty folder?