I wrote:
Browsing thru the pd source, double precision seems to be used mainly (1) to process phase information for the oscillators (2) for system timing and (3) misc. graphic stuff.
(3) is not much of a problem since the GUI will be stripped anyway (2) is not called all too often (?), so the slow down is kinda acceptable
after more analysis it seems that functions like sys_getrealtime() are called more often than I assumed (or is it just my simple test patches spending too much time int the idle loop ?). So I have to ask again: could a float variable be sufficient for the timing stuff maybe ? Or what's the best way to tackle this ? (fwiw, I have access to a 64bit cycle counter, so the precision is available)
oh, and the 32bit integer version of phasor~ sounds quite alright. Thanks for the suggestion. (Couldn't find it in CSound though)
cheers Sukandar