This is true. I am not meaning to troll or bait. Sorry if it came off that way. I just hope we can get past the negativity.
On 10/17/07, Derek Holzer wrote:
In that case, as in this one, I think this is a more appropriate document:
Especially the original alt.syntax.tactical FAQ makes for better reading than much of what got posted here as the "sexism" thread "matured". Not to mention the "beer" thread... It reminds me that (in the Northern hemisphere at least) it's not full-on winter yet so maybe people should try to get outside more often instead of starting or responding to witch hunts and political correcting.
In fact, I'm out the door right now.
best, d.
Kyle Klipowicz wrote:
For some reason I feel that this is appropriate.
I hope our community can be a bit more lasts for n=n+1 years.
-- derek holzer ::: ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 78: "Go outside. Shut the door."